

Conference Articles

  1. Wagner, D., Lee, S., Baumann, I., Seeberger, P., Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., 2024. Optimized Speculative Sampling for GPU Hardware Accelerators, in: Al-Onaizan, Y., Bansal, M., Chen, Y.-N. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics, Miami, Florida, USA, pp. 6442–6458. (link)
  2. Seeberger, P., Wagner, D., Riedhammer, K., 2024. MMUTF: Multimodal Multimedia Event Argument Extraction with Unified Template Filling, in: Al-Onaizan, Y., Bansal, M., Chen, Y.-N. (Eds.), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024. Association for Computational Linguistics, Miami, Florida, USA, pp. 6539–6548. (link)
  3. Ranzenberger, T., Bocklet, T., Freisinger, S., Georges, M., Glocker, K., Herygers, A., Riedhammer, K., Schneider, F., Simic, C., Zakaria, K., 2024. Extending HAnS: Large Language Models for Question Answering, Summarization, and Topic Segmentation in an ML-based Learning Experience Platform, in: Baumann, T. (Ed.), Studientexte Zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2024. TUDpress, Dresden, pp. 219–224. 10.35096/othr/pub-7103 (link)
  4. Axenie, C., Halilov, E., Main, J., Weiss, D., 2024. Edge hybrid neuro-statistical learning for event-based roadside visual motion detection and tracking, in: NeuroEdge Workshop, High Performance, Edge And Cloud Computing (HIPEAC) 2024 Conference . Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). (link)
  5. Lisca, G., Kindler, M., Lerchl, T., Axenie, C., Grauschopf, T., Senner, V., 2024. The Potential of Reinforcement Learning for Lumbar Load Prediction in Multi-Body Models of the Spine, in: 15th International Conference on the Engineering of Sport. International Sports Engineering Association(ISEA). (link)
  6. Wagner, D., Baumann, I., Ranzenberger, T., Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., 2024. Personalizing Large Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Foundation Models With Speaker Representations, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies (SLT). pp. 1–6. 10.1109/SLT61566.2024.10832252
  7. Braun, F., Bayerl, S.P., Hönig, F., Lehfeld, H., Hillemacher, T., Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., 2024. Infusing Acoustic Pause Context into Text-Based Dementia Assessment, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 1980–1984. 10.21437/Interspeech.2024-2496
  8. Escobar-Grisales, D., Ríos-Urrego, C.D., Baumann, I., Riedhammer, K., Nöth, E., Bocklet, T., Garcia, A.M., Orozco-Arroyave, J.R., 2024. It’s Time to Take Action: Acoustic Modeling of Motor Verbs to Detect Parkinson’s Disease, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 1965–1969. 10.21437/Interspeech.2024-2205
  9. Baumann, I., Wagner, D., Schuster, M., Riedhammer, K., Nöth, E., Bocklet, T., 2024. Towards Self-Attention Understanding for Automatic Articulatory Processes Analysis in Cleft Lip and Palate Speech, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 2430–2434. 10.21437/Interspeech.2024-2134
  10. Wagner, D., Baumann, I., Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., 2024. Outlier Reduction with Gated Attention for Improved Post-training Quantization in Large Sequence-to-sequence Speech Foundation Models, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 4623–4627. 10.21437/Interspeech.2024-2105
  11. Wagner, D., Bayerl, S.P., Baumann, I., Nöth, E., Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., 2024. Large Language Models for Dysfluency Detection in Stuttered Speech, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 5118–5122. 10.21437/Interspeech.2024-2120
  12. Baumann, I., Unger, N., Wagner, D., Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., 2024. Automatic Evaluation of a Sentence Memory Test for Preschool Children, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 5158–5162. 10.21437/Interspeech.2024-2125
  13. Simic, C., Bocklet, T., 2024. Self-Supervised Adaptive AV Fusion Module for Pre-Trained ASR Models, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 12787–12791. 10.1109/ICASSP48485.2024.10448047
  14. Baumann, I., Wagner, D., Schuster, M., Nöth, E., Bocklet, T., 2024. Towards Interpretability of Automatic Phoneme Analysis in Cleft Lip and Palate Speech, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 12602–12606. 10.1109/ICASSP48485.2024.10447632
  15. Wagner, D., Churchill, A., Sigtia, S., Georgiou, P., Mirsamadi, M., Mishra, A., Marchi, E., 2024. A Multimodal Approach to Device-Directed Speech Detection with Large Language Models, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 10451–10455. 10.1109/ICASSP48485.2024.10446224
  16. Bundscherer, M., Schmitt, T.H., Bocklet, T., 2024. Machine Learning in Glass Bottle Printing Quality Control: A Collaboration with a Medium-Sized Industrial Partner, in: FZI KI-KMU 2024. pp. 1–14.
  17. Bundscherer, M., Schmitt, T.H., Bocklet, T., 2024. Machine Learning in Industrial Quality Control of Glass Bottle Prints, in: 2024 VisAPP. pp. 1–8. 10.5220/0012302600003660
  18. Schmitt, T.H., Bundscherer, M., Bocklet, T., 2024. Training a Computer Vision Model for Commercial Bakeries with Primarily Synthetic Images, in: FZI KI-KMU 2024. pp. 1–14.
  19. Kammerbauer, R., Schmitt, T.H., Bocklet, T., 2024. Segmenting Wood Rot using Computer Vision Models, in: FZI KI-KMU 2024. pp. 1–14.

Journal Articles

  1. Wagner, D., Baumann, I., Bocklet, T., 2024. Generative adversarial networks for whispered to voiced speech conversion: a comparative study. International Journal of Speech Technology. 10.1007/s10772-024-10161-1 (link)
  2. Axenie, C., López-Corona, O., Makridis, M.A., Akbarzadeh, M., Saveriano, M., Stancu, A., West, J., 2024. Antifragility in complex dynamical systems. npj Complexity 1, 12. (link)
  3. Nicolò Cogno, R.B., Cristian Axenie, Vavourakis, V., 2024. Agent-based modeling in cancer biomedicine: applications and tools for calibration and validation. Cancer Biology & Therapy 25, 2344600. 10.1080/15384047.2024.2344600 (link)


  1. Ranzenberger, T., Freier, C., Reinold, L., Riedhammer, K., Schneider, F., Simic, C., Simon, C., Freisinger, S., Georges, M., Bocklet, T., 2024. A Multidisciplinary Approach to AI-based self-motivated Learning and Teaching with Large Language Models. Proceedings of DELFI 2024, delfi. (link)

Technical Reports

  1. Agchar, I., Baumann, I., Braun, F., Perez-Toro, P.A., Riedhammer, K., Trump, S., Ullrich, M., 2024. A Survey of Music Generation in the Context of Interaction. 10.48550/arXiv.2402.15294


Conference Articles

  1. Ranzenberger, T., Bocklet, T., Freisinger, S., Frischholz, L., Georges, M., Glocker, K., Herygers, A., Peinl, R., Riedhammer, K., Schneider, F., Simic, C., Zakaria, K., 2023. The Hochschul-Assistenz-System HanS: an ML-Based Learning Experience Platform, in: Draxler, C. (Ed.), Studientexte Zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2023. TUDpress, Dresden, pp. 168–169. (link)
  2. Wagner, D., Bayerl, S.P., Bocklet, T., 2023. Implementing Easy-to-Use Recipes for the Switchboard Benchmark, in: Draxler, C. (Ed.), Studientexte Zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2023. TUDpress, Dresden, pp. 150–157. (link)
  3. Sun, L., Makridis, M.A., Genser, A., Axenie, C., Grossi, M., Kouvelas, A., 2023. Exploring Antifragility in Urban Road Networks: Anticipating Disturbances with Reinforcement Learning, in: 9 Th International Symposium on Transportation Data & Modelling (ISTDM2023). European Comission, EU Science Hub. (link)
  4. Schmitt, T.H., Bundscherer, M., Bocklet, T., 2023. Semmeldetector: Application of Machine Learning in Commercial Bakeries, in: 2023 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). pp. 878–883. 10.1109/ICMLA58977.2023.00129
  5. Freisinger, S., Schneider, F., Herygers, A., Georges, M., Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., 2023. Unsupervised Multilingual Topic Segmentation of Video Lectures: What can Hierarchical Labels tell us about the Performance?, in: Proc. 9th Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE). pp. 141–145. 10.21437/SLaTE.2023-27
  6. Seeberger, P., Riedhammer, K., 2023. Multi-Query Focused Disaster Summarization via Instruction-Based Prompting, in: Proc. of the 32nd Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2023). National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
  7. Seeberger, P., Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., 2023. Information Type Classification with Contrastive Task-Specialized Sentence Encoders, in: Proc. 19th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2023). Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 180–186 .
  8. Wagner, D., Bayerl, S.P., Maruri, H.C., Bocklet, T., 2023. Generative Models for Improved Naturalness Intelligibility and Voicing of Whispered Speech, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies (SLT). pp. 943–948 . 10.1109/SLT54892.2023.10022796
  9. Wagner, D., Baumann, I., Braun, F., Bayerl, S.P., Nöth, E., Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., 2023. Multi-class Detection of Pathological Speech with Latent Features: How does it perform on unseen data?, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 2318–2322. 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-464
  10. Wagner, D., Churchill, A., Sigtia, S., Georgiou, P., Mirsamadi, M., Mishra, A., Marchi, E., 2023. Multimodal Data and Resource Efficient Device-Directed Speech Detection with Large Foundation Models, in: Third Workshop on Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing (ENLSP-III) at NeurIPS 2023. (link)
  11. Wagner, D., Baumann, I., Bayerl, S.P., Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., 2023. Speaker Adaptation for End-To-End Speech Recognition Systems in Noisy Environments, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU).
  12. Baumann, I., Wagner, D., Riedhammer, K., Nöth, E., Bocklet, T., 2023. Detection of Vowel Errors in Children’s Speech Using Synthetic Phonetic Transcripts, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU).
  13. Baumann, I., Wagner, D., Braun, F., Bayerl, S.P., Nöth, E., Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., 2023. Influence of Utterance and Speaker Characteristics on the Classification of Children with Cleft Lip and Palate, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 4648–4652. 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1873
  14. Riedhammer, K., Baumann, I., Bayerl, S.P., Bocklet, T., Braun, F., Wagner’, D., 2023. Medical Speech Processing for Diagnosis and Monitoring: Clinical Use Cases, in: Fortschritte Der Akustik - DAGA 2023.
  15. Hintz, J., Bayerl, S.P., Sinha, Y., Riedhammer, K., Siegert, I., 2023. Impact of pathological speech on speaker anonymization, in: Fortschritte Der Akustik - DAGA 2023.
  16. Braun, F., Bayerl, S.P., Pérez-Toro, P.A., Hönig, F., Lehfeld, H., Hillemacher, T., Nöth, E., Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., 2023. Classifying Dementia in the Presence of Depression: A Cross-Corpus Study, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).

Journal Articles

  1. Axenie, C., Saveriano, M., 2023. Antifragile Control Systems: The Case of Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking Under Uncertainty and Volatility. IEEE Access 11, 138188–138200. 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3339988
  2. Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Riedhammer, K., 2023. Künstliche Intelligenz für die Analyse pathologischer Sprache. Sprache, Stimme, Gehör 47, 145–150. 10.1055/a-2089-5778
  3. Bayerl, S.P., Gerczuk, M., Batliner, A., Bergler, C., Amiriparian, S., Schuller, B., Nöth, E., Riedhammer, K., 2023. Classification of Stuttering – The ComParE challenge and beyond. Computer Speech & Language 101519. 10.1016/j.csl.2023.101519
  4. Bayerl, S.P., Wagner, D., Baumann, I., Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., 2023. Detecting Vocal Fatigue with Neural Embeddings. Journal of Voice. 10.1016/j.jvoice.2023.01.012


Conference Articles

  1. Bundscherer, M., Schmitt, T.H., Bayerl, S., Auerbach, T., Bocklet, T., 2022. An Acoustical Machine Learning Approach to Determine Abrasive Belt Wear of Wide Belt Sanders, in: 2022 IEEE Sensors. pp. 1–4. 10.1109/SENSORS52175.2022.9967324
  2. Schmitt, T.H., Bundscherer, M., Drechsel, R., Bocklet, T., 2022. Machine learning based optimization of a ceramic bushing manufacturing process, in: 2022 IEEE Sensors. pp. 1–4. 10.1109/SENSORS52175.2022.9967124
  3. Seeberger, P., Riedhammer, K., 2022. Combining Deep Neural Reranking and Unsupervised Extraction for Multi-Query Focused Summarization, in: Proc. of the 31st Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2022). National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
  4. Baumann, I., Wagner, D., Bayerl, S.P., Bocklet, T., 2022. Nonwords Pronunciation Classification in Language Development Tests for Preschool Children, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 3643–3647. 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10777
  5. Schuller, B., Batliner, A., Amiriparian, S., Bergler, C., Gerczuk, M., Holz, N., Larrouy-Maestri, P., Bayerl, S.P., Riedhammer, K., Mallol-Ragolta, A., Pateraki, M., Coppock, H., Kiskin, I., Sinka, M., Roberts, S., 2022. The ACM Multimedia 2022 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge: Vocalisations, Stuttering, Activity, & Mosquitoes, in: Proc. ACM Int’l Conference on Multimedia. pp. 7120–7124. 10.1145/3503161.3551591
  6. Seeberger, P., Riedhammer, K., 2022. Enhancing Crisis-Related Tweet Classification with Entity-Masked Language Modeling and Multi-Task Learning, in: Proc. 2nd Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact. Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 70–78 .
  7. Bayerl, S.P., Wagner, D., Nöth, E., Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., 2022. The Influence of Dataset Partitioning on Dysfluency Detection Systems, in: Sojka, P., Kopeček, I., Pala, K., Horák, A. (Eds.), Text, Speech, and Dialogue. Springer International Publishing.
  8. Bayerl, S.P., Roccabruna, G., Chowdhury, S.A., Ciulli, T., Danieli, M., Riedhammer, K., Riccardi, G., 2022. What can Speech and Language Tell us About the Working Alliance in Psychotherapy, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).
  9. Bayerl, S.P., Wagner, D., Nöth, E., Riedhammer, K., 2022. Detecting Dysfluencies in Stuttering Therapy Using wav2vec 2.0, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).
  10. Faria, A., Janin, A., Riedhammer, K., Adkoli, S., 2022. Toward Zero Oracle Word Error Rate on the Switchboard Benchmark, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).
  11. Braun, F., Förstel, M., Oppermann, B., Erzigkeit, A., Hillemacher, T., Lehfeld, H., Riedhammer, K., 2022. Automated Evaluation of Standardized Dementia Screening Tests, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).
  12. Braun, F., Erzigkeit, A., Lehfeld, H., Hillemacher, T., Riedhammer, K., Bayerl, S.P., 2022. Going Beyond the Cookie Theft Picture Test: Detecting Cognitive Impairments Using Acoustic Features, in: Sojka, P., Kopeček, I., Pala, K., Horák, A. (Eds.), Text, Speech, and Dialogue. Springer International Publishing.
  13. Tammewar, A., Braun, F., Roccabruna, G., Bayerl, S.P., Riedhammer, K., Riccardi, G., 2022. Annotation of Valence for Spoken Personal Narratives, in: Proc. Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC).
  14. Bayerl, S.P., von Gudenberg, A.W., Hönig, F., Nöth, E., Riedhammer, K., 2022. KSoF: The Kassel State of Fluency Dataset – A Therapy Centered Dataset of Stuttering, in: Proc. Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC).


  1. Bayerl, S.P., von Gudenberg, A.W., Hönig, F., Nöth, E., Riedhammer, K., 2022. ksof. 10.5281/zenodo.6801843 (link)
  2. Bayerl, S.P., von Gudenberg, A.W., Hönig, F., Nöth, E., Riedhammer, K., 2022. ksof-c. 10.5281/zenodo.6460101 (link)


Conference Articles

  1. Bayerl, S.P., Tammewar, A., Riedhammer, K., Riccardi, G., 2021. Detecting Emotion Carriers by Combining Acoustic and Lexical Representations, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU).
  2. Bayerl, S.P., Wenninger, M., Schmidt, J., von Gudenberg, A.W., Riedhammer, K., 2021. STAN: a stuttering therapy analysis helper, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies (SLT).
  3. Perez-Toro, P.A., Bayerl, S.P., Arias-Vergara, T., Vasquez-Correa, J.C., Klumpp, P., Schuster, M., Nöth, E., Orozco-Arroyave, J.R., Riedhammer, K., 2021. Influence of the Interviewer on the Automatic Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease in the Context of the ADReSSo Challenge, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).
  4. Trump, S., Agchar, I., Baumann, I., Braun, F., Riedhammer, K., Siemandel, L., Ullrich, M., 2021. Spirio Sessions: Experiments in Human-Machine Improvisation with a Digital Player Piano, in: Proc. Conference on AI Music Creativity.


Conference Articles

  1. Bayerl, S.P., Hönig, F., Reister, J., Riedhammer, K., 2020. Towards automated assessment of stuttering and stuttering therapy, in: Proc. Int’l Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD).
  2. Lopatka, K., Bocklet, T., 2020. State Sequence Pooling Training of Acoustic Models for Keyword Spotting, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 4338–4342.
  3. Georges, M., Huang, J., Bocklet, T., 2020. Compact Speaker Embedding: lrx-vector, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. to appear.
  4. Chen, W., Huang, J., Bocklet, T., 2020. Length-and Noise-aware Training Techniques for Short-utterance Speaker Recognition, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. to appear.
  5. Vasquez, J., Bocklet, T., Orozco, J.R., Nöth, E., 2020. Comparison of user models based on GMM-UBM and i-vectors for speech, handwriting, and gait assessment of Parkinson’s disease patients, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 6544–6548.
  6. Bayerl, S.P., Frasetto, T., Jauernig, P., Riedhammer, K., Sadeghi, A.-R., Schneider, T., Stapf, E., Weinert, C., 2020. Offline Model Guard: Secure and Private ML on Mobile Devices, in: Proc. ACM SIGDA Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE).

Journal Articles

  1. Schuster, M., Arias-Vergara, T., Müller-Hörner, R., Winterholler, C., Bocklet, T., 2020. Coronavirus-Pandemie: Verstehen mich mit der Maske eigentlich noch alle? Geriatrie Report 15, 8–9.
  2. Schuster, M., Arias-Vergara, T., Müller-Hörner, R., Winterholler, C., Bocklet, T., 2020. Speech quality changes due to face masks. MMW Fortschr Med 162, 42–44.


  1. Czarnowski, K., Georges, M., Bocklet, T., 2020. Adaptively recognizing speech using key phrases.


Conference Articles

  1. Bayerl, S.P., Brasser, F., Busch, C., Frassetto, T., Jauernig, P., Kolberg, J., Nautsch, A., Riedhammer, K., Sadeghi, A.-R., Schneider, T., Stapf, E., Treiber, A., Weinert, C., 2019. Privacy-preserving speech processing via STPC and TEEs (Poster), in: 2. Privacy Preserving Machine Learning (PPML) ? CCS 2019 Workshop.
  2. Wagner, D., 2019. Latent Representations of Transaction Network Graphs in Continuous Vector Spaces as Features for Money Laundering Detection, in: Becker, M. (Ed.), SKILL 2019 - Studierendenkonferenz Informatik. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn, pp. 143–154 .
  3. Wenninger, M., Bayerl, S.P., Schmidt, J., Riedhammer, K., 2019. Timage – A Robust Time Series Classification Pipeline, in: Proc. Int’l Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN)).
  4. Riedhammer, K., Bayerl, S.P., 2019. A Comparison of Hybrid and End-to-End Models for Syllable Recognition, in: Proc. Int’l Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD).
  5. Huang, J., Bocklet, T., 2019. Intel Far-Field Speaker Recognition System for VOiCES Challenge 2019, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 2473–2477.
  6. Georges, M., Czarnowski, K., Bocklet, T., 2019. Ultra-Compact NLU: Neuronal Network Binarization as Regularization, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 809–813.


  1. Georges, J., M.and Hofer, Bocklet, T., Bauer, J., Stemmer, G., 2019. Concealing phrases in audio traveling over air.
  2. Georges, M., Chen, W., Bocklet, T., Huang, J., 2019. Time asynchronous spoken intent detection.
  3. Chen, W., Huang, J., Bocklet, T., Georges, M., 2019. Spoken keyword detection based utterance-level wake on intent system.
  4. Czyryba, S., Bocklet, T., Lopatka, K., 2019. Method and system of high accuracy keyphrase detection for low resource devices.
  5. Rozen, P., Bocklet, T., Nowicki, J., Georges, M., 2019. Techniques for client-side speech domain detection and a system using the same.
  6. Ossowski, J., Bocklet, T., Lopatka, K., 2019. Method and system of audio false keyphrase rejection using speaker recognition.
  7. Bocklet, T., Ossowski, J., Dorau, T., Muchlinski, M., Pearce, D., Rozen, P., 2019. Method and system of neural network keyphrase detection.


Conference Articles

  1. Brasser, F., Frasetto, T., Riedhammer, K., Sadeghi, A.-R., Schneider, T., 2018. VoiceGuard: Secure and Private Speech Processing, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).
  2. Ranzenberger, T., Hacker, C., Gallwitz, F., 2018. Integration of a Kaldi Speech Recognizer into a Speech Dialog System for Automotive Infotainment Applications, in: Berton, A., Haiber, U., Minker, W. (Eds.), Studientexte Zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2018. TUDpress, Dresden, pp. 293–300.

Journal Articles

  1. Correa, J.C.V., Orozco-Arroyave, J.R., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., 2018. Towards an automatic evaluation of the dysarthria level of patients with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Communication Disorders 76, 21–36. 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2018.08.002 (link)
  2. Orozco-Arroyave, J.R., Correa, J.C.V., Bonilla, J.F.V., Arora, R., Dehak, N., Nidavavolu, P., Christensen, H., Rudzicz, F., Yancheva, M., Chinaei, H., Vann, A., Vogler, N., Bocklet, T., Cernak, M., Hannink, J., Nöth, E., 2018. NeuroSpeech: An open-source software for Parkinson’s speech analysis. Digital Signal Processing 77, 207–221. 10.1016/j.dsp.2017.07.004


  1. Akotkar, A., Ramteke, M., Bocklet, T., Sundaram, S., 2018. Identification of audio signals in surrounding sounds and guidance of an autonomous vehicle in response to the same.
  2. Georges, M., Bocklet, T., Stemmer, G., Hofer, J., Bauer, J., 2018. Dynamic enrollment of user-defined wake-up key-phrase for speech enabled computer system.
  3. Bauer, J., Bocklet, T., Hofer, J., Georges, M., 2018. Automatic speech recognition with filler model processing.
  4. Dorau, T., Bocklet, T., Tomaszewski, P., Czyryba, S., Chojecki, J., 2018. Wake on voice key phrase segmentation.
  5. Suyoung, B., Khellah, M., Paul, S., Augustine, C., Majumder, T., Lim, W., Bocklet, T., Pearce, D., 2018. Method and system of temporal-domain feature extraction for automatic speech recognition.
  6. Muchlinski, M., Bocklet, T., 2018. Speech classification of audio for wake on voice.
  7. Lopatka, K., Kotarski, M., Bocklet, T., Zabkiewicz, M., 2018. Acoustic event detector with reduced resource consumption.
  8. Huang, J., Bocklet, T., 2018. Method and system of robust speaker recognition activation.
  9. Lopatka, K., Bocklet, T., Kotarski, M., 2018. Acoustic event detection based on modelling of sequence of event subparts.


Journal Articles

  1. Ruff, S., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Müller, J., Hoster, E., Schuster, M., 2017. Speech Production Quality of Cochlear Implant Users with Respect to Duration and Onset of Hearing Loss. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and its related specialities 72, 282–294.

Conference Articles

  1. Hacker, C., Sowa, T., Weilhammer, K., Springer, V., Massonie, D., Ranzenberger, T., Gallwitz, F., 2017. Interacting with Robots - Tooling and Framework for Advanced Speech User Interfaces, in: Trouvain, J., Steiner, I., Möbius, B. (Eds.), Studientexte Zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2017. TUDpress, Dresden, pp. 99–106.
  2. Vasquez-Correa, J.C., Orozco-Arroyave, J.R., Arora, R., Nöth, E., Dehak, N., Christensen, H., Rudzicz, F., Bocklet, T., Cernak, M., Chinaei, H., Nidadavolu, P.S., Hannink, J., Yancheva, M., Vann, A., Vogler, N., 2017. Multi-view Representation Learning Via GCCA for Multimodal Analysis of Parkinson’s Disease, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
  3. Cernak, M., Nöth, E., Rudzicz, F., Christensen, H., Orozco-Arroyave, J.R., Arora, R., Bocklet, T., Chinaei, H., Hannink, J., Nidadavolu, P.S., Vasquez, J.C., Yancheva, M., Vann, A., Vogler, N., 2017. On the Impact of Non-modal Phonation On Phonological Features, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
  4. Stemmer, G., Georges, M., Hofer, J., Rozen, P., Bauer, J.G., Nowicki, J., Bocklet, T., Colett, H.R., Falik, O., Deisher, M., Downing, S.J., 2017. Speech Recognition and Understanding on Hardware-Accelerated DSP, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).


  1. Georges, M., Bocklet, T., Nowicki, J., Rozen, P., 2017. Adapting Cloud Speech Services by Client-Based Continuous Context Detection on different Domains.
  2. Bocklet, T., Georges, M., 2017. Wake-on-Voice Keyword Detection with Integrated Language Identification.
  3. Ravindran, B., Bocklet, T., 2017. Systems and Methods for Energy Efficient And Low Power Distributed Automatic Speech Recognition On Wearable Devices.
  4. Hofer, J., Bocklet, T., Stemmer, G., Pearce, D., Czyryba, S., Bauer, J., 2017. Technologies for robust crying detection using temporal characteristics of acoustic features.
  5. Bocklet, T., Hofer, J., 2017. Low resource key phrase detection for wake on voice.


Conference Articles

  1. Faria, A., Riedhammer, K., Bauer, A., Janin, A., 2016. REMEETING: Searchable Conversations, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies (SLT).
  2. Poltauer, D., Freimann, N., Neuling, M., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Hempel, J.-M., Schuster, M., 2016. Speech production quality and speech perception of adult cochlea implant users, in: CI 2016, Proceedings.

Technical Reports

  1. Cernak, M., Nöth, E., Rudzicz, F., Christensen, H., Orozco-Arroyave, J.R., Arora, R., Bocklet, T., Chinaei, H., Hannink, J., Nidadavolu, P.S., 2016. On the impact of non-modal phonation on phonological features.

Journal Articles

  1. Böhm, N., Knipfer, C., Maier, A., Bocklet, T., Rohder, M., Neukam, F.W., Stelzle, F., Schuster, M., 2016. Speech Ability and Psychological Outcome After Treatment of Oral Cancer. Laryngorhinootologie 95, 610–619.


  1. Bocklet, T., Marek, A., 2016. Intermediate Scoring and Rejection Loopback for Improved Key Phrase Detection.
  2. Bocklet, T., Marek, A., Chlebek, P., 2016. Replay attack detection in automatic speaker verification systems.
  3. Bocklet, T., Marek, A., 2016. Training classifiers using selected cohort sample subsets.
  4. Bocklet, T., 2016. Cepstral variance normalization for audio feature extraction.


Conference Articles

  1. Riedhammer, K., Faria, A., 2015. REMEETING - GET MORE OUT OF MEETINGS, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).

Journal Articles

  1. Schuller, B., Steidl, S., Batliner, A., Nöth, E., Vinciarelli, A., Burkhardt, F., van Son, R., Weninger, F., Eyben, F., Bocklet, T., Mohammadi, G., Weiss, B., 2015. A Survey on perceived speaker traits: Personality, likability, pathology, and the first challenge. Computer Speech & Language 29, 100–131.


  4. Bocklet, T., Sobon, P., Dorau, T., Tomaszewski, P., 2015. Linear scoring for low power wake on voice.


Conference Articles

  1. Riedhammer, K., Faria, A., 2014. REMEETING - GET MORE OUT OF MEETINGS, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies (SLT).
  2. Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., Orozco-Arroyave, J.R., Nöth, E., 2014. Semi-Automatic Calibration for Dereverberation by Spectral Subtraction for Continous Speech Recognition, in: ITG Conference on Speech Communication 2014.
  3. Ghahremani, P., Baba Ali, B., Povey, D., Riedhammer, K., Trmal, J., Khundanpur, S., 2014. A Pitch Algorithm Tuned for Automatic Speech Recognition Systems, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
  4. Bocklet, T., Maier, A., Riedhammer, K., Eysholdt, U., Nöth, E., 2014. Erlangen-CLP: A Large Annotated Corpus of Speech from Children with Cleft Lip and Palate, in: Proc. Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC).
  5. Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., Orozco-Arroyave, J.R., Nöth, E., 2014. Semi-Automatic Calibration for Dereverberation by Spectral Subtraction for Continuous Speech Recognition, in: GMBH, B.V.D.E.V.E.R.L.A.G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th ITG Speech Communication Symposium. Berlin, Germany, pp. 1–4.
  6. Hönig, F., Batliner, A., Bocklet, T., Stemmer, G., Nöth, E., Schnieder, S., Krajewski, J., 2014. Are men more sleepy than women or does it only look like - Automatic analysis of sleepy speech, in: IEEE (Ed.), Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).


  1. Faria, A., Riedhammer, K., 2014. System and Method for Privacy-Preserving Speech Processing.

Journal Articles

  1. Knipfer, C., Riemann, M., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Schuster, M., Sokol, B., Eitner, S., Nkenke, E., Stelzle, F., 2014. Speech intelligibility enhancement after maxillary denture treatment and its impact on quality of life. The International Journal of Prosthodontics 27, 61–69.
  2. Schulz, A., Bocklet, T., Eysholdt, U., Bohr, C., Döllinger, M., Ziethe, A., 2014. Validation of an automatic speech analysis in children with isolated cleft palate. HNO 62, 525–529.



  1. Riedhammer, K., 2013. Privacy Preserving Client-Server Based Automatic Speech Recognition.

Conference Articles

  1. Wegmann, S., Faria, A., Janin, A., Riedhammer, K., Morgan, N., 2013. The Tao of ATWV: Probing the Mysteries of Keyword Search Performance, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU).
  2. Riedhammer, K., Gropp, M., Bocklet, T., Hönig, F., Nöth, E., Steidl, S., 2013. LMELectures: A Multimedia Corpus of Academic Spoken English, in: First Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia (SLAM). pp. 102–107.
  3. Riedhammer, K., Hai Do, V., Hieronymus, J., 2013. A Study on LVCSR and Keyword Search for Tagalog, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).
  4. Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., Eysholdt, U., Nöth, E., 2013. Automatic Phoneme Analysis in Children with Cleft Lip and Palate, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
  5. Bocklet, T., Steidl, S., Nöth, E., Skodda, S., 2013. Automatic Evaluation of Parkinson’s Speech - Acoustic, Prosodic and Voice Related Cues, in: ISCA (Ed.), Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 1149–1153.

Journal Articles

  1. Stelzle, F., Knipfer, C., Schuster, M., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Adler, W., Schempf, L., Vieler, P., Riemann, M., Neukam, F.W., Nkenke, E., 2013. Factors influencing relative speech intelligibility in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma: a prospective study using automatic, computer-based speech analysis. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 42, 1377–1384.


Conference Articles

  1. Riedhammer, K., Gropp, M., Nöth, E., 2012. The FAU Video Lecture Browser System, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies (SLT). pp. 392–397.
  2. Hönig, F., Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., Batliner, A., Nöth, E., 2012. The Automatic Assessment of Non-native Prosody: Combining Classical Prosodic Analysis with Acoustic Modelling, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).
  3. Riedhammer, K., Ring, M., Nöth, E., Kolb, D., 2012. A Software Kit for Automatic Voice Descrambling, in: Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Security and Forensics in Communication Systems (SFCS). pp. 8349–8353.
  4. Povey, D., Hannemann, M., Boulianne, G., Burget, L., Ghoshal, A., Janda, M., Karaffiat, M., Kombrink, S., Motlicek, P., Quian, Y., Thang Vu, N., Riedhammer, K., Vesely, K., 2012. Generating Exact Lattices in the WFST Framework, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 4213–4216.
  5. Valentini-Botinhao, C., Degenkolb-Weyers, S., Maier, A., Nöth, E., Eysholdt, U., Bocklet, T., 2012. Automatic Detection of Sigmatism in Children, in: ISCA (Ed.), WOCCI 2012 - Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction. pp. 1–4.
  6. Schuller, B., Steidl, S., Batliner, A., Nöth, E., Vinciarelli, A., Burkhardt, F., van Son, R., Weninger, F., Eyben, F., Bocklet, T., Mohammadi, G., Weiss, B., 2012. The INTERSPEECH 2012 Speaker Trait Challenge, in: ISCA (Ed.), Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).
  7. Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., Ghoshal, A., Povey, D., 2012. Revisiting Semi-Continuous Hidden Markov Models, in: IEEE (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 4721–4724.


  1. Riedhammer, K., 2012. Interactive Approaches to Video Lecture Assessment. Logos Verlag Berlin.

Journal Articles

  1. Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., Nöth, E., Eysholdt, U., Haderlein, T., 2012. Automatic Intelligibility Assessment of Speakers After Laryngeal Cancer by Means of Acoustic Modeling. J Voice 26, 390–397.
  2. Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., Nöth, E., Eysholdt, U., 2012. Automatic Intelligibility Assessment of Speakers After Laryngeal Cancer by Means of Acoustic Modeling. Journal of Voice 26, 390–397.
  3. Schuster, M., Maier, A., Bocklet, T., Nkenke, E., Holst, A., Eysholdt, U., Stelzle, F., 2012. Automatically evaluated degree of intelligibility of children with different cleft type from preschool and elementary school measured by automatic speech recognition. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 76, 362–369.
  4. Knipfer, C., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Schuster, M., Sokol, B., Eitner, S., Nkenke, E., Stelzle, F., 2012. Speech Intelligibility Enhancement Through Maxillary Dental Rehabilitation with Telescopic Prostheses and Complete Dentures: A Prospective Study Using Automatic, Computer-Based Speech Analysis. The International Journal of Prosthodontics 25, 24–32.


Conference Articles

  1. Riedhammer, K., Gropp, M., Nöth, E., 2011. A Novel Lecture Browser Using Key Phrases and Stream Graphs, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU).
  2. Gropp, M., Nöth, E., Riedhammer, K., 2011. A Novel Lecture Browsing System Using Ranked Key Phrases and StreamGraphs, in: Proc. Int’l Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD). pp. 17–24.
  3. Steidl, S., Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., Hönig, F., Nöth, E., 2011. Java Visual Speech Components for Rapid Application Development of GUI based Speech Processing Applications, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 3257–3260.
  4. Bocklet, T., Riedhammer, K., Nöth, E., 2011. Drink and Speak: On the automatic classification of alcohol intoxination by acoustic, prosodic and text-based features, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 3213–3216.
  5. Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., 2011. Compensation of Extrinsic Variability in Speaker Verification Systems on Simulated Skype and HF Channel Data, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 4840–4843.
  6. Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Stemmer, G., 2011. Voice Assessment of Speakers with Laryngeal Cancer by Glottal Excitation Modeling Based on a 2-Mass Model, in: Habernal, I., Matousek, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of TSD2011, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 348–355.
  7. Middag, C., Bocklet, T., Martens, J.-P., Nöth, E., 2011. Combining phonological and acoustic ASR-free features for pathological speech intelligibility assessment, in: ISCA (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. pp. 3005–3008.
  8. Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Stemmer, G., Ruzickova, H., Rusz, J., 2011. Detection of Persons with Parkinson’s Disease by Acoustic, Vocal, and Prosodic Analysis, in: Society, I.E.E.E.S.P. (Ed.), Proc. IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU). pp. 478–483.
  9. Hagen, M., Bocklet, T., Eysholdt, U., 2011. Vergleich unterschiedlicher auditiven Analysen bei Kindern mit orofazialen Spaltfehlbildungen auf Lautebene, in: Groß, M., am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, A. (Eds.), Aktuelle Phoniatrisch-Pädaudiologische Aspekte. Warendorf, Germany, pp. 79–81.

Journal Articles

  1. Stelzle, F., Maier, A., Nöth, E., Bocklet, T., Knipfer, C., Schuster, M., Neukam, F.W., Nkenke, E., 2011. Automatic Quantification of Speech Intelligibility in Patients after Treatment for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 69, 1493–1500.
  2. Nöth, E., Maier, A., Gebhard, A., Bocklet, T., Schupp, W., Schuster, M., Haderlein, T., 2011. Automatic Evaluation of Dysarthric Speech and Telemedical Use in the Therapy. The Phonetician 103, 75–87.


Journal Articles

  1. Riedhammer, K., Favre, B., Hakkani-Tür, D., 2010. Long Story Short – Global Unsupervised Models for Keyphrase Based Meeting Summarization. Speech Communication 52, 801–815.
  2. Tur, G., Stolcke, A., Voss, L., Peters, S., Hakkani-Tür, D., Dowding, J., Favre, B., Fernandez, R., Frampton, M., Frandsen, M., Frederickson, C., Graciarena, M., Kintzing, D., Leveque, K., Mason, S., Niekrasz, J., Purver, M., Riedhammer, K., Shriberg, E., Tien, J., Vergyri, D., Yang, F., 2010. The CALO Meeting Assistant System. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 18, 1601–1611.
  3. Sambale, M., Schuster, M., Bocklet, T., Maier, A., Eysholdt, U., Ströbele, A., Stelzle, F., 2010. Sprachverständlichkeit und Krankheitsverarbeitung nach der Therapie von Mundhöhlenkarzinomen. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 90, 151–156.
  4. Stelzle, F., Ugrinovic, B., Knipfer, C., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Schuster, M., Eitner, S., Seiss, M., Nkenke, E., 2010. Automatic, computer-based analysis of speech intelligibility on edentulous patients with and without complete dentures - preliminary results. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 37, 209–216.

Conference Articles

  1. Kiesmüller, U., Sossalla, S., Brinda, T., Riedhammer, K., 2010. Online Identification of Learner Problem Solving Strategies Using Pattern Recognition Methods, in: Proc. ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE). pp. 274–278.
  2. Zäh, U., Riedhammer, K., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., 2010. Clap Your Hands! Calibrating Spectral Subtraction for Dereverberation, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 4226–4229.
  3. Spiegl, W., Riedhammer, K., Steidl, S., Nöth, E., 2010. FAU IISAH Corpus – A German Speech Database Consisting of Human-Machine and Human-Human Interaction Acquired by Close-Talking and Far-Distance Microphones, in: Proc. Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). pp. 2420–2423.
  4. Bocklet, T., Schuster, M., Nöth, E., Eysholdt, U., 2010. Sprachenunabhängige Verständlichkeitsanalyse bei Kindern mit orofazialen Spaltfehlbildungen auf Deutsch und Italienisch mittels akustischer Modellierung, in: Gross, M., am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, A. (Eds.), Aktuelle Phoniatrisch-Pädaudiologische Aspekte 2010. Warendorf, pp. 165–167.
  5. Bocklet, T., Maier, A., Eysholdt, U., Nöth, E., 2010. Improvement of a Speech Recognizer for Standardized Medical Assessment of Children’s Speech by Integration of Prior Knowledge, in: IEEE (Ed.), Proc. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies (SLT 2010). pp. 247–252.
  6. Bocklet, T., Stelzle, F., Haderlein, T., Nöth, E., 2010. Automatic speech recognition for edentulous speakers with insufficient dentures, in: Doellinger, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research.
  7. Bocklet, T., Hönig, F., Haderlein, T., Stelzle, F., Knipfer, C., Nöth, E., 2010. Automatic Detection and Evaluation of Edentulous Speakers with Insufficient Dentures, in: Sojka, P., Horak, A., Kopecek, I. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Heidelberg, Berlin.
  8. Bocklet, T., Stemmer, G., Zeissler, V., Nöth, E., 2010. Age and Gender Recognition Based on Multiple Systems - Early vs. Late Fusion, in: ISCA (Ed.), Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH).


Conference Articles

  1. Bocklet, T., Maier, A., Riedhammer, K., Nöth, E., 2009. Towards a Language-independent Intelligibility Assessment of Children with Cleft Lip and Palate, in: Proc. ISCA Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction (WOCCI). pp. 2015–2018.
  2. Garg, N., Favre, B., Riedhammer, K., Hakkani-Tür, D., 2009. ClusterRank: A Graph Based Method for Meeting Summarization, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 1499–1502.
  3. Gillick, D., Riedhammer, K., Favre, B., Hakkani-Tür, D., 2009. A Global Optimization Framework for Meeting Summarization, in: Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 4769–4772.
  4. Maier, A., Bocklet, T., Scipioni, M., Nöth, E., Eysholdt, U., Schuster, M., 2009. Verständlichkeitsanalyse bei Kindern mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten auf Deutsch und Italienisch mittels automatischer Spracherkennung, in: Gross, M., am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, A. (Eds.), Aktuelle Phoniatrisch-Pädaudiologische Aspekte 2009. Möchengladbach, pp. 207–208.
  5. Maier, A., Bocklet, T., Hönig, F., Horndasch, S., Nöth, E., 2009. Towards the Automatic Classification of Reading Disorders in Continuous Text Passages, in: Matousek, V., Mautner, P. (Eds.), Text, Speech and Dialogue, Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence. Berlin, pp. 282–290.
  6. Bocklet, T., Maier, A., Riedhammer, K., Nöth, E., 2009. Towards a Language-independent Intelligibility Assessment o Children with Cleft Lip and Palate, in: WOCCI (Ed.), Proceedings of WOCCI 2009.
  7. Kajarekar, S.S., Scheffer, N., Graciarena, M., Shriberg, E., Stolcke, A., Ferrer, L., Bocklet, T., 2009. The SRI NIST 2008 Speaker Recognition Evaluation System, in: ICASSP (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 4205–4208.
  8. Bocklet, T., Shriberg, E., 2009. Speaker Recognition Using Syllable-Based Constraints for Cepstral Frame Selection, in: ICASSP (Ed.), International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 4525–4528.
  9. Maier, A., Schafflhuber, C., Bocklet, T., Hönig, F., Kratz, O., Horndasch, S., Nöth, E., Moll, G., 2009. On the Automatic Classification of Reading Disorders, in: Fred, A. (Ed.), Pattern Recognition in Information Systems. Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 18–28.
  10. Haderlein, T., Bocklet, T., Maier, A., Nöth, E., Knipfer, C., Stelzle, F., 2009. Objective vs. Subjective Evaluation of Speakers with and without Complete Dentures, in: Matousek, V., Mautner, P. (Eds.), Proc. Text, Speech and Dialogue; 12th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin, pp. 170–177.
  11. Bocklet, T., Haderlein, T., Hönig, F., Rosanowski, F., Nöth, E., 2009. EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT OF SPEECH INTELLIGIBILITY ON PATHOLOGIC VOICES BASED UPON ACOUSTIC SPEAKER MODELS, in: 3rd Advanced Voice Function Assessment International Workshop (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Advanced Voice Function Assessment International Workshop. pp. 89–92.
  12. Graciarena, M., Bocklet, T., Shriberg, E., Stolcke, A., Kajarekar, S., 2009. Feature-Based and Channel-Based Analyses of Intrinsic Variability in Speaker Verification, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 2015–2018.
  13. Stelzle, F., Schuster, M., Maier, A., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Seiß, M., Neukam, F.W., Nkenke, E., 2009. Automatic Objective Analysis of Speech Disorders on Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, in: 3rd International IZKF-Symposium.
  14. Bocklet, T., Winterholler, C., Maier, A., Schuster, M., Nöth, E., 2009. An Automatic Screening Test for Preschool Children: Theory and Data Collection, in: WOCCI (Ed.), Proceedings of WOCCI 2009.
  15. Haderlein, T., Bocklet, T., Hönig, F., Nöth, E., Rosanowski, F., 2009. Automatische Stimmanalyse nach Larynxteilresektion mithilfe akustischer Sprechermodellierung, in: Gross, M., am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, A. (Eds.), Aktuelle Phoniatrisch-Pädaudiologische Aspekte 2009, Aktuelle Phoniatrisch-Pädaudiologische Aspekte. Mönchengladbach, pp. 139–141.

Journal Articles

  1. Haderlein, T., Riedhammer, K., Maier, A., Nöth, E., Eysholdt, U., Rosanowski, F., 2009. Automatisierung des Postlaryngektomie-Telefontests. HNO 57, 51–56.
  2. Maier, A., Hönig, F., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Stelzle, F., Nkenke, E., Schuster, M., 2009. Automatic detection of articulation disorders in children with cleft lip and palate. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126, 2589–2602.
  3. Bocklet, T., Toy, H., Nöth, E., Schuster, M., Eysholdt, U., Rosanowski, F., Gottwald, F., Haderlein, T., 2009. Automatic Evaluation of Tracheoesophageal Substitute Voice: Sustained Vowel versus Standard Text. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica (Folia Phoniatr Logop) 61, 112–116.


Conference Articles

  1. Riedhammer, K., Favre, B., Hakkani-Tür, D., 2008. A Keyphrase Based Approach to Interactive Meeting Summarization, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies (SLT). pp. 153–156.
  2. Tur, G., Stolcke, A., Voss, L., Dowding, J., Favre, B., Fernandez, R., Frampton, M., Frandsen, M., Frederickson, C., Graciarena, M., Hakkani-Tür, D., Kintzing, D., Leveque, K., Mason, S., Niekrasz, J., Peters, S., Purver, M., Riedhammer, K., Shriberg, E., Tien, J., Vergyri, D., Yang, F., 2008. The CALO Meeting Speech Recognition and Understanding System, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies (SLT). pp. 69–72.
  3. Riedhammer, K., Gillick, D., Favre, B., Hakkani-Tür, D., 2008. Packing the Meeting Summarization Knapsack, in: Proc. Annual Conference of the Int’l Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). pp. 2434–2437.
  4. Bocklet, T., Maier, A., Nöth, E., 2008. Age Determination of Children in Preschool and Primary School Age with GMM-Based Supervectors and Support Vector Machines/Regression, in: Sojka, P., Horak, A., Kopecek, I., Pala, K. (Eds.), Proceedings Text, Speech and Dialogue; 11th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Heidelberg, pp. 253–260.
  5. Haderlein, T., Bocklet, T., Nöth, E., Rosanowski, F., 2008. Text-based vs. Vowel-based Automatic Evaluation of Tracheoesophageal Substitute Voice, in: Rozinaj, G., Cepko, J., Truchly, P., Vrabec, J., Vojtko, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of IWSSIP 2008. Bratislava, pp. 295–298.
  6. Bocklet, T., Maier, A., Bauer, J., Burkhardt, F., Nöth, E., 2008. Age and Gender Recognition for Telephone Applications Based on GMM Supervectors and Support Vector Machines, in: Press, I.E.E.E.C.S. (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). pp. 1605–1608.

Journal Articles

  1. Haderlein, T., Riedhammer, K., Nöth, E., Toy, H., Schuster, M., Eysholdt, U., Hornegger, J., Rosanowski, F., 2008. Application of Automatic Speech Recognition to Quantitative Assessment of Tracheoesophageal Speech in Different Signal Quality. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 12–17.


  1. Riedhammer, K., 2008. An Automatic Intelligibility Test Based on the Post-Laryngectomy Telephone Test. Mueller Verlag.


Conference Articles

  1. Riedhammer, K., Stemmer, G., Haderlein, T., Schuster, M., Rosanowski, F., Nöth, E., Maier, A., 2007. Towards Robust Automatic Evaluation of Pathologic Telephone Speech, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU). pp. 717–722.
  2. Haderlein, T., Riedhammer, K., Maier, A., Nöth, E., Toy, H., Rosanowski, F., 2007. An Automatic Version of the Post-Laryngectomy Telephone Test, in: Proc. Int’l Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD). pp. 238–245.
  3. Nöth, E., Maier, A., Haderlein, T., Riedhammer, K., Rosanowski, F., Schuster, M., 2007. Automatic Evaluation of Pathologic Speech - from Research to Routine Clinical Use, in: Proc. Int’l Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD). pp. 294–301.
  4. Haderlein, T., Eysholdt, U., Riedhammer, K., Nöth, E., Rosanowski, F., 2007. Automatisierung des Postlaryngektomie-Telefontests (PLTT), in: Aktuelle Phoniatrisch-Pädaudiologische Aspekte. pp. 66–69.
  5. Bocklet, T., Maier, A., Nöth, E., 2007. Text-independent Speaker Identification using Temporal Patterns, in: Matousek, V., Mautner, P. (Eds.), Text, Speech and Dialogue, Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence. Berlin, pp. 318–325.


  1. Schildt, H., 2007. C/C++ Ge-Packt, 3. ed. ed. Mitp-Verlag.
  2. Schildt, H., 2007. C++ Die professionelle Referenz. IT-Studienausgabe, 2. ed. ed. Mitp-Verlag.


Conference Articles

  1. Riedhammer, K., Haderlein, T., Schuster, M., Rosanowski, F., Nöth, E., 2006. Automatic Evaluation of Tracheoesophageal Telephone Speech, in: Proc. Int’l Conference on Language Technologies (IS-LTC). pp. 17–22.
  2. Riedhammer, K., Haderlein, T., Nöth, E., Toy, H., Eysholdt, U., Rosanowski, F., 2006. Die tracheoösophageale Ersatzstimme: Automatische Verständlichkeitsbewertung über das Telefon, in: Aktuelle Phoniatrisch-Pädaudiologische Aspekte. pp. 51–53.
  3. Rosanowski, F., Bocklet, T., Schuster, M., Eysholdt, U., Toy, H., 2006. Die tracheoösophageale Ersatzstimme: Stimmhandicap versus Krankheitsbewältigung, in: Gross, M., Kruse, F.E. (Eds.), Aktuelle Phoniatrisch-Pädaudiologische Aspekte 2006. Norderstedt.
  4. Toy, H., Bocklet, T., Schuster, M., Eysholdt, U., Nöth, E., Rosanowski, F., 2006. Die tracheoösophageale Ersatzstimme: objektive Messung mit dem Göttinger Heiserkeitsdiagramm, in: Gross, M., Kruse, F.E. (Eds.), Aktuelle Phoniatrisch-Pädaudiologische Aspekte 2006. Norderstedt, pp. 54–55.